
Some of us like to feel like the fool

to sit and ask God, why me?

We have all been there before

don’t sit there and pretending

you didn’t pray for more

A hole deep

within the walls of your most sacred place 

looking for a way to let light peek in

but all the light we grab for,

is fleeting 

keeping us woven

into our memories of fear

Thinking when Over Thinking

I have had too much to ponder

thinking of the had halves

so long as it won’t begin

a tsunami rising taller than any they have seen

suspended over the silver gates

touching fire with fire

only for us to see


Can’t keep you up in this crazy ass world

I reach my palms out in efforts to catch your fall, but regardless of how ready my stance is, you slip through like my rope became silky milk

Yet, I prefer the silence

The deafening sound of nothing

I was reaching for so long my shoulders forgot what it felt like to lay flat


An overwhelming sense, like water boiling up to the edge of a pot. 

Wondering about everything and nothing but so much of nothing

Blank stares glazed past yours, what you don’t know is I can see right through you

Right past all these promises and stories starting with maybe one day

Maybe one day you can sit on your ass and I could start to tell you stories that begin in the past

That time you…

That time you 

That time you

I can’t even begin to think about where it starts to when it ends.

I used to want to write you a book of stories.

You know me, always with a story.

My history as you would call it

But now I know

I know that a story won’t be enough 

I know no story has enough to make it better

To force apologies or feeling out of you was never effective for me or you

To settle into what is