
Bullshit frames my face, like an edgy haircut you might’ve seen on an anime character.

Bullshit is coexistent with me.

I’m standing here in the middle of nowhere far away, my eyes closed, from anything tangible just wondering, dreaming. 

Taking off into the opposite direction of light, tired of asking for mercy.

Password protected feelings, the sad dirty things people never talk about but always thinking about, locked away. 

Once you get that far you realize how little we are, too sad to think about, leave it be.

Intentions fly away with the drop of a dime, an endless fight for what’s right. 

Going further and further from the tethered.

Life is sped up 1.5x and then when I light the spliff it slows down to .25x

Ash in your bowl of cereal I don’t give a fuck how it makes you feel 

This other side of me, not a friend to a stranger they’d probably push your baby out of it’s stroller.

Never understanding what was done to me just rage and fury obliterate 

He coats it all in sugar not telling one lie, but I still want the dishonesty

I want you to tell me how much you hate me so I can finally be right

Thinking is giving it all I got, putting things in places where they should never be 

The present feels like a bad episode on the best reality show looking for the bullshit to just be a shitty script.

Author: Gabriela Kaczor

23 Years Old New York City Writer, Photographer, All Around Artist and Creator

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