Thinking when Over Thinking

I have had too much to ponder

thinking of the had halves

so long as it won’t begin

a tsunami rising taller than any they have seen

suspended over the silver gates

touching fire with fire

only for us to see

Foggy Days

An open invitation for early arrival

suggest a latter

absorbing delights

a strength I never had

aiming for the highest

or the dearest

eager to meet my bestest

unfortunate to see

a frame of the tame

too forward to brace any action

ideas crumble at the edges like brittle cookies

except nobody comes to nibble

Dazed AM

Baked at 6:42AM 

Laying in this bed preparing for my night’s sleep 

Can’t decide if it’s a bit early or a bit late to me

The birds are squawking and chirping away

Violently communicating outside of my window pane 

To the street of Pacific

And then suddenly they stop

Only the special few continue but sparsely

Dim red lights illuminate the bed, 

the softness of the pillow and comforter emanate

Warmth radiating off this person in the bed with me

Their consistent quiet breath and movement keep me meditative

The bird songs transport me to some place unimaginable 

unless you are me


 The air is a bit stiller

and my eyes a bit droopier