Dazed AM

Baked at 6:42AM 

Laying in this bed preparing for my night’s sleep 

Can’t decide if it’s a bit early or a bit late to me

The birds are squawking and chirping away

Violently communicating outside of my window pane 

To the street of Pacific

And then suddenly they stop

Only the special few continue but sparsely

Dim red lights illuminate the bed, 

the softness of the pillow and comforter emanate

Warmth radiating off this person in the bed with me

Their consistent quiet breath and movement keep me meditative

The bird songs transport me to some place unimaginable 

unless you are me


 The air is a bit stiller

and my eyes a bit droopier

Fragmented Silence

Rain drops like glitter, once spilled, you can find it upon everything in the vicinity

Car tires accelerate against the odds,

the rain soaked asphalt iterates tsssssss as the car makes the distance

A gust of wind gathers itself, building momentum and before it blows, a moment of stillness

and where no other sounds are heard, and then whisssh

Life resumes along with the push

Lights flicker across the road, children hushed away indoors

The voice of reason reserved an optimistic seat at the table today